A treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine is always an individual therapy. It is based on an intensive interview (anamnesis), pulse and tounge diagnose. A normal session takes between 45 and 60 minutes. When you come the first time I normally do a more intensive first visit anamnesis which lasts between 75 and 90 minutes including treatment.
A treatment includes the following techniques: Acupuncture, Massage, Moxa and other convenient techniques like sound therapy.
- Chronic and acute pains: e.g. headaches, migraine, back pain, knee pain, etc.
- Women: discomforts around menstruation/menopause, acupuncture during pregnancy
- Treatment of children
- Accompanying medical treatments: e.g. high blood pressure, cancer
- Problems with digestion and weight
- Neurological problems: working with ictus, numbness
- Support and strengthening after operations
- Acute Tinnitus
- Acupuncture
- Moxa
- Guasha
- Sound Therapy
- Yoga/Qi Gong
- Massage
Treatment with TCM – normal session: 45 €
Treatment with TCM – first anamnesis: 45 €
Treatment of children: 45€
Massages of 1 hour: 45€
Massages of 30 minutes: 25€
A supplement of 10€ is charged for home visits.
Contact: medicinachina@alteasalut.com